Software & Resources
Arppe, A., Harrigan, A., Schmirler, K., Antonsen, L., Trosterud, T., Moshagen, S., Wolvengrey, A., Okimâsis, J., Thunder, D., Lachler, J., & Snoek, C. (under development). Finite-state transducer-based computational model of Plains Cree morphology. [github LINK]
Arppe, A., Wolvengrey, A., Santos, E. A., Yan, S. (M.), Johnson, R., Harrigan, A., Schmirler, K., Thunder, D., Trosterud, T., & Antonsen, L. (under development). itwêwina: nêhiyawêwin – âkayâsîmowin / English – Plains Cree intelligent on-line dictionary. [ dictionary LINK1], [dictionary LINK2]
Arppe, A., Schmirler, K., Harrigan, A., & Wolvengrey, A. (under development). A Morphosyntactically Tagged Corpus for Plains Cree.
Schmirler, K., Harrigan, A., & Arppe, A. (under development). Manually Validated Morphological Analyses and Frequency Word List for the Ahenakew-Wolfart Plains Cree Corpus.
Schmirler, K., Arppe, A., Trosterud, T., & Antonsen, L. (under development). A Constraint Grammar syntactic parser for Plains Cree.[github LINK]